Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Good News

My wife and I were cooking dinner the other night and I noticed that she was in a different mood then normal. I asked her what was going on and she replied with this weird grin on her face, "Oh nothing." So right then I knew something was up.

I guess I had to play the guessing game with her. I asked her if she got a raise at work, she said no. I asked her if her favorite band was coming to town, she said no. I asked her if she took the rest of her vacation for the year, she said no. I had no idea what was going on. Jokingly, I asked her if she was pregnant. Her weird grin became this huge smile and right away I knew that she was indeed pregnant.

This overwhelming feeling started to come over me. I had a million thoughts race through my mind all at once. I wondered if we could afford another child, I wondered if we had to get a bigger house, I wondered how much more daycare expenses would be, I wondered everything. Then I realized that it doesn't matter about any of that stuff. The only thing that truly matters is that my wife was very happy and my life again was blessed just a little bit more.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your expected baby. I guess we all have thoughts go through our minds when you don't know what is happening. Some of us women have our husband go through many questions before they get the answer to many things. let us know when the baby is due.